Is your company ready for a digital transformation?
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Smart Cities, Big Data, Apps, Nube, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, CRM’s, Connectivity… these are some of the concepts hiding behind so-called Digital Transformation. We see and hear about them every day, but in many Spanish companies they are hardly implemented. There are many who, despite all the signs, continue to believe that they can keep their businesses going turning their backs to the digital changes that are happening all around us, constantly.
According to data in the report “The challenge of the Digital Transformation of the economy, Spain 4.0” published by Siemens, the vast majority of the Spanish business network has access to the internet, and 75% have their own website. But they stop there.
For example, only 20% of Spanish companies are present on social networks, only 16% sell online and less than 30% of the companies have a CRM to optimally manage their customer data. This is an era where data is the new gold!
Future opportunities
We could view this as a weakness, but it is actually a strength: Spanish companies have a long way to go and if we play our cards right, we will be presented with a huge stage full of business opportunities.
It is true that TravelgateX has a head start because our business environment is eminently digital, and we have always tried to be at the forefront of the changes that have taken place in recent years. But, above all, we are aware of the fact that the game is continuously changing, and that it is essential to take advantage of all the technology at our disposal and educate all those who work for the company to be able to take full advantage of the new market realities.
Intensive learning for CEOs
Because of this, we were one of the companies chosen to participate in the state initiative DigitalIXBorder, an intensive learning program that offers top managers (CEOs) of Spanish companies the necessary tools to adapt to a digital environment in permanent transformation.
Our CCO, José Díaz, represented TravelgateX in the 20 sessions offered within this exclusive program aimed at the directors of the main digital companies in Spain. He has shared this knowledge with the rest of the team, which has helped us understand the current challenges better.
Promoted by ICEX, the EOI (School of Industrial Organisation) and Adigital (the Spanish Association of Digital Economy), this initiative with specific training for CEOs focuses on 7 key areas (Marketing, Ecosystem, Marketplaces, Regulation, Operations, Data and Redefinition of the CEO) and through these it aims to improve and adapt business strategy to the digital environment and show how you can take advantage of Big Data and economic and social digital impact.

Technology and people
The first thing that any company wishing to venture into digital transformation must understand is that this kind of transformation cannot be done based on the technological aspect only. More importantly, this new technology must be accompanied by educating the company’s human resources.
Technology and people. That is the heart of the necessary change. That is also where most Spanish companies fail: 20% state that they have never offered digital training to their employees.
But to be able to cope with everything that lies ahead, and to prepare for the business growth that lies behind digital transformation, it is vitally important that all companies get ready to manage efficient, highly qualified teams.
Look for excellence
Sometimes you have to get away from your day-to-day activities and look at your company’s full picture with regard to the market and the competition. To do so, the CEO, as well as the rest of the managers and department heads, must add time to their routines dedicated to following the latest market trends, discovering the new tools of the digital world in detail, getting to know the company’s the new digital consumer in detail and, of course, learning from other companies with more experience.
But, most importantly, do not monopolize the knowledge: transmit it properly to the entire business structure, to each and every employee, since the success of the company to a large extent depends on them.