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Categories: Business

GUIDE: What are the payment types supported by TravelgateX?

7/31/24 9:56 AM

Are you ready to make a booking through TravelgateX but feeling uncertain about the payment options available to you? Allow me to provide you with a detailed breakdown of the supported payment types to help you make an informed decision:

Whether you prefer the convenience of having the seller manage the payment process directly, paying the payee without any intermediaries, or having the seller handle the payment during the booking itself, TravelgateX offers a variety of payment options to suit your needs.

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Categories: Tech, 2FA

Introducing Two-Factor Authentication for TravelgateX users

7/31/24 8:01 AM

At TravelgateX, we prioritize the security and protection of our users' accounts. With the introduction of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), we are taking a proactive step towards enhancing the safety of your online experience.

By implementing this additional layer of security, we are making it significantly more challenging for unauthorized individuals to gain access to your valuable information.

This innovative security measure requires users to provide two forms of identification, ensuring that only authorized users can log in to their accounts.

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DMCs Argentina

Descubre el Futuro del B2B Hotelero en Argentina: DMCs en TravelgateX

7/29/24 1:19 PM

En el vibrante mundo del comercio B2B, explorar las ofertas hoteleras argentinas se convierte en un emocionante viaje. Las Destination Management Companies (DMCs) juegan un rol crucial en este escenario, y gracias a la plataforma TravelgateX, los compradores pueden abrir las puertas a una diversidad de productos locales y conocimiento regional profundo. Este análisis explora las posibilidades que los DMCs en Argentina ofrecen a través de TravelgateX, resaltando la autenticidad de los productos locales y anticipando las tendencias de reservas para el inminente verano de 2023.

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