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DMCs Argentina

Descubre el Futuro del B2B Hotelero en Argentina: DMCs en TravelgateX

7/29/24 1:19 PM

En el vibrante mundo del comercio B2B, explorar las ofertas hoteleras argentinas se convierte en un emocionante viaje. Las Destination Management Companies (DMCs) juegan un rol crucial en este escenario, y gracias a la plataforma TravelgateX, los compradores pueden abrir las puertas a una diversidad de productos locales y conocimiento regional profundo. Este análisis explora las posibilidades que los DMCs en Argentina ofrecen a través de TravelgateX, resaltando la autenticidad de los productos locales y anticipando las tendencias de reservas para el inminente verano de 2023.

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Hub Telefonica
Categories: News

TravelgateX Joins Telefónica's Tourism Innovation Hub for Sector Digitalization

6/19/24 11:39 AM

TravelgateX, the global travel connections marketplace, is pleased to announce its incorporation into Telefónica Spain's Tourism Innovation Hub (HIT). This initiative, which brings together more than 40 companies and institutions in the sector, aims to accelerate the digitisation of tourism destinations, generate useful information and foster collaboration and innovation to achieve more sustainable tourism.

TravelgateX will bring to the HIT its extensive experience and knowledge of the sector, as well as its advanced technological solutions. The company has an extensive database of tourism destinations and products, as well as a leading technology platform that enables suppliers and buyers around the world to connect and transact efficiently.

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