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GUIDE: What are the payment types supported by TravelgateX?


Are you ready to make a booking through TravelgateX but feeling uncertain about the payment options available to you? Allow me to provide you with a detailed breakdown of the supported payment types to help you make an informed decision:

Whether you prefer the convenience of having the seller manage the payment process directly, paying the payee without any intermediaries, or having the seller handle the payment during the booking itself, TravelgateX offers a variety of payment options to suit your needs.

If you're comfortable with providing your credit card details in the booking request, options such as CARD BOOKING or CARD CHECK IN may be the way to go. Alternatively, if you prefer TravelgateX to manage the payment for you, the PAYX service allows for seamless transactions by generating a virtual card with the net price payable to the seller.

It's important to note that payment types are typically agreed upon between buyers and sellers, so don't hesitate to reach out to the seller for further details on the available options:

MERCHANT: Seller manages the payment process.

DIRECT: Pay directly to the payee, without any intermediaries. Credit card details needed in the booking request.

CARD BOOKING: Seller handles payment during the booking. Credit card details required in the reservation request.

CARD CHECK IN: Payment managed by the Seller, done at hotel check-in. Credit card details needed in the reservation request.

PAYX: TravelgateX manages the payment. Buyers can opt for this if they use the virtual card creation service. This service allows for smooth transactions, with TravelgateX generating the card with the net price payable to the Seller.

💡To discover the payment types supported by a Seller, you will be informed of the options available through the integration for your account. As payment types are typically agreed upon between Buyers and Sellers, it is recommended to reach out to the Seller on a commercial level for additional details if needed.


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