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Categories: Tech, 2FA

Introducing Two-Factor Authentication for TravelgateX users

7/31/24 8:01 AM

At TravelgateX, we prioritize the security and protection of our users' accounts. With the introduction of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), we are taking a proactive step towards enhancing the safety of your online experience.

By implementing this additional layer of security, we are making it significantly more challenging for unauthorized individuals to gain access to your valuable information.

This innovative security measure requires users to provide two forms of identification, ensuring that only authorized users can log in to their accounts.

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GopHer Conference
Categories: Tech

Impressions of GopherCon 2023 in Berlin

7/6/23 2:12 PM

Attending GopherCon was an enriching experience! During the conference, we had the opportunity to attend several interesting talks, but there are two in particular that we would like to highlight.

The first conference titled "Go Right Ahead! Simple Hacks To Cut Memory Usage by 80%" piqued our curiosity from the beginning, as we personally enjoy topics that deal with optimization. The speaker, Yiscah Levy, started with a brief recap on the importance of optimizing projects in terms of scalability, reliability, cost reduction, and user experience. She then shared some tips for optimizing memory usage.

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Categories: Tech

Writing a Graphql NodeJS Server that fetches it’s schema from Git

9/12/22 12:00 AM

A few months ago, I was asked to make some changes in TravelgateX's API GraphQL schema. After making the changes and installing our API in the production environment, I started thinking of ways that these GraphQL schema changes can be made more efficiently and using a mix of different tools and technologies that our company uses. A collegue of mine suggested that the schema can be loaded in a Github repository and then, once the application is started, it can be fetched and loaded as the current versión of the GraphQL schema used by the API.

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