On a mission to democratize the travel industry.

Improving efficiency and maximizing integration performance

Written by Carlos Fernandez | 3/11/24 3:47 PM

In an increasingly competitive and dynamic commercial environment, optimizing integrations with our Partners emerges as a fundamental pillar to enhance operational efficiency and stimulate business growth. By adopting a strategic approach to the analysis and management of these connections, we are able to generate a tangible and direct impact on their performance, promoting efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness in our interactions.

As the saying goes, we prioritize quality over quantity, recognizing that the depth and solidity of our connections are crucial for sustainable success in a dynamic and challenging business environment. We are aware that not all our Partners have the same tools and resources to optimize their connections and therefore, we have a team of specialized professionals dedicated to understanding and analyzing the behavior of these integrations. Thanks to the use of Big Data, we have the ability to provide clear and accessible advice to improve and correct these connections. Our goal is to provide expert support that allows each of our Partners to maximize the performance of their business relationships effectively and tailored to their specific needs.

By working closely with our Partners, we can leverage our common knowledge, resources, and experiences to drive innovation and operational excellence in our business processes. This close collaboration not only fosters strong and trustworthy business relationships but also facilitates the identification and proactive resolution of business challenges.

Additionally, we have a wide range of resources focused on optimizing our connections to meet the availability needs of our Partners, such as:

Traffic Optimizer:

The solution to block non-performing traffic and enhance global performance automatically through TravelgateX.

Searching for availability in hotels that don't convert isn't just annoying; it's also a waste of money. This issue is one of the biggest challenges in the Industry, and sadly, it's often seen as "normal" by many Travel Industry players. We fully grasp the impact handling "useless" traffic has on all parties involved in the connectivity chain. That's why we've devised a solution to address this concern, providing intelligent optimization of the connections in our Marketplace




Our smart cache solution reduces traffic and response times. Improve Response Times and lower system costs. At TravelgateX, we always strive to adapt our tech solutions to our Partners’ evolving needs, and one such need is to minimize traffic and improve response times. Thanks to our dynamic cache solution, Speed, you can now save up to 80% of total hits to the Seller's system and experience reduced response times.mIf you want to know more, do not hesitate and contact us at https://www.travelgatex.com