On a mission to democratize the travel industry.

Interview: Michele Rombaldoni, CEO of Datagest

Written by Vero | 8/22/22 9:06 AM

Michele Rombaldoni is co-founder of Datagest Srl, a software company that has been working for 34 years in Italy with tour operators and travel agencies. He is now in charge of 1way2italy, XML platform, used by tour operators to connect with national and international customers, as well as TravelgateX Partners.

Michele surprises us with good ideas about the challenges in the travel industry, the advantages of online connections and some inspirational tips for young professionals in the industry.

Tell us a bit about you, what you do and your company.

I’m the CEO and co-founder of Datagest Srl, a software house working for 34 years in Italy with a tour operator and travel agency.
I’m now taking care of 1way2italy, the name of our XML platform, used by our tour operators to connect with national and international customers.

 What are some of the biggest challenges for your sector right now?

 Reduce the gap between the technology that has just been developed and the technology that is really used.

 What do you think are some of the biggest opportunities for the travel industry in 2022?

Now that tourism is restarted, everyone need to make use of the bad times to make better in the good times. 

 What is a crazy or out-of-the-box product or technology that you would personally like to?

 1way2italy, of course.

 What is your favorite thing about working in hospitality/Travel/Tourism?

 Personally, I like to travel, and I like what technology can add to our everyday life so it’s easy to work merging together two things I love.

 What does TravelgateX add value to your business? 

 TravelgateX make it easy to create connections and avoid the waste of time. Human connections to find who needs our products and technical connections very easy and fast to build and ready to use. I love it!

 What suggestions/challenges would you give to the TeamX?

More data means more power … TeamX does a great work on adding stats, logs and so on but there is so many to do about showing information that you have to be aware of what’s happening by the side.

 Can you talk more about solutions you think will be most impactful in the next 12 to 18 months as travel begins to recover?

 Key factor for me is “moving” … people, ideas, money, … every technology who can impact the moving will impact the most.

 What are the plans for 2023? Looking ahead to the next year, what are your top two or three priorities?

We need to increase visibility and let every one know what 1way2italy can bring to their business. We will add several features to our software, making it easy to buy anything in one shot.

 What advice do you have for young people just entering the travel technology space?

Pass over what you know and learn what you don’t. And repeat … and repeat.