On a mission to democratize the travel industry.

Interview: Mohammed Madfa, CEO Maikros

Written by Vero | 7/14/21 8:36 AM

Maikros.com is an international online reservation system for making hotel reservations, travel tickets and accommodation and holiday services owned by Signmanage. In this interview, CEO Mohammed Madfa tells the #network about the launch of maikros.com and his partnership with TravelgateX's.

Tell us a bit about you, what you do, your company and how you came to  be part of TGX Network

I have been in the industry for eight years. I have been continuously recognizing and introducing innovative ideas for the success of Signmanage Group LTD. Then we have powered all of this experience in the travelling field in our project, Maikros.com.

In the past years around the world, all corners of Asia and from favourite destination visits like India, Bhutan, Singapore, China, Japan, Thailand, Maldives, Hong Kong, and Korea, I have gained tremendous and extensive knowledge to facilitate all classes of travelers with comfort and excellence in customer service delivery.

It is satisfying to know that we can help our clients and connect to the world affordably and comfortably. We are committed to always offering significant savings on worldwide travel and we do it by delivering access to every destination around the globe in peerless comfort and style, with value and mastery. All of this comes from every department in the company, filled with vital, creative, and innovative managers and employees.

Therefore, we came up with our slogan, " Energize your bookings", the Energized teams that we have in Maikros.com, and what we provide to travel technology. Of course, with these privileges, we have come to be part of the TGX Network. To bring out the best-energized business internationally. And to reveal and improve the travel technology field in the best ways.

What do you think are some of the biggest opportunities for the travel industry in 2021?

In the era of information overload, there are millions of online sites where users can find everything they need to plan their trips. But, quite often, they get lost because the information is fragmented or simply not enough. That is why we at Maikros.com have developed a travel recommendation system for all companies in the travel industry (airlines, hotels, Tourists Boards, OTA’s, and offline travel agencies) and other sectors, which allows users to find what they want to know.

Which elements do you consider key success factors in your business model?

Essentially, the 3 important qualities of a customer service center are around three “P”s: professionalism, patience, and a “people-first” attitude. Although customer service varies from customer to another, as long as you're following these guidelines, you're on the right track. In Maikros we care about the post-voucher and we use the “FCP” technique:
“Focus”:  Pay attention to all details and to always provide the best. “Customer Service”: From end-to-end we are with our agents and clients 24/7 and we support them at all times through Live Chat/ email, and other channels. “Product and Quality”: Delivering global travel content and best-matched market prices.

What suggestions/challenges do you have for TeamX?

Maybe Global DMCs to be integrated and GDSs.

What advice do you have for young people just entering the travel technology space?

To succeed, It is all about the team, not just one person. So, the most crucial advice to anyone who would like to get into the field is to build an entire expertise team with enough experience to achieve their own goal and know how to get there also, not thinking about competitive theory. Instead, start something new that no one else has thought of and use the unexplored opportunities yet to others.
As much as there are platforms out there, this field is new with many dimensions for me. Yet, most of the companies are still applying traditional tourism technologically and virtually only. Therefore, I recommend everybody to provide and improve new ideas by adding value to the travel tourism industry. This method is what we do and always will. We are leaving a superior print in travel technology.