On a mission to democratize the travel industry.

Save time and money with Channel Managers via TravelgateX

Written by Javier Lozano | 2/26/24 6:22 AM

It's no secret that differentiation and positioning in the distribution world can give your business a competitive edge.
How can TravelgateX help you achieve this? Direct contracting and the use of various Channel Managers are key. TravelgateX offers you a wide range of solutions to connect with the sector's top Channel Managers, saving you time and money. That's why in 2024 we are committed to better advising our clients about the different connection options they can utilize for their direct contracting.

Benefits of using a Channel Manager through TravelgateX

• Access to an extensive network of Channel Managers: Already connected with the market's top-rated Channel Managers. The more than 1000 current connections confirm the trust our clients place in us for the growth of their businesses, and this drives us to continue working hard every day.
• Time and resource savings: We help you find the Channel Manager that best suits your needs and support you throughout the integration process.We identify new emerging business types across our entire customer network. In this vein, it's not just about connecting clients with current providers; we are also continuously searching for new business opportunities to meet the needs of those who cannot achieve these goals due to a lack of resources, knowledge, or contact opportunities.


This is where the necessity of my role in the company comes in, maintaining a close relationship with all the Channel Managers to convey the needs identified from our clients, make an initial assessment of the technical needs that must be met for connectivity, check for any connection incompatibilities, find solutions for them and then develop connectivity between the two parties.

• Customized solutions: We offer solutions tailored to the needs of each business, from Pull and Push connectivities to hybrid solutions.
Our teams work on continuous improvements and innovative processes to make connectivity easier and faster every day, standardizing integrations to achieve “plug and play” and the buying-selling process in less time.

• Experience and knowledge: It's the over 15 years of experience in the Hotel and distribution sector that helps me understand the daily needs of our clients and allows me to offer expert advice to our partners. We look for more than just a simple initial relationship between the parties; it's a continuous process that includes prior analysis, constant support, and monitoring of start-up and results.