More than a hundred employees of the technology company TravelgateX decided to continue carrying out their daily tasks from their homes, thus complying with health recommendations and in the face of the COVID_19 pandemic.
Starting today, 100% of the team continues to provide the highest quality service to customers and suppliers from all continents through a public Slack channel made available to receive questions, queries and provide strategies for tourism companies that see that their businesses are being affected by the global pandemic crisis.
TravelgateX has a powerful data tool so that tourist destinations, SMEs and large companies in the sector can control, view metrics and dimensions such as number and nationalities of passengers, nights of stay, dates of search for a destination, check-in dates, destination hotels, number of rooms reserved, prices, amongst other metrics. The tool also offers a comparative analysis between different destinations from different perspectives and source markets.
For more than 8 years, TravelgateX has been processing data on all tourist booking and cancellation movements. For this reason, it created the Insights-X tool to understand the behavior of markets around the world through 3+ billion daily transactions, + 30,000 daily reservations, + 3TB of data per day analyzed in real time.