On a mission to democratize the travel industry.

Isabelle Grechi, Head of Business Intelligence EHT-L viagens online

Written by Vero | 5/19/20 11:27 AM

“We received this crisis to reinvent the way we work” 

We love listening to our partners, knowing their experiences. Today, Isabelle Grechi Head of Business Intelligence EHTL-viagens, explains how they have reinvented themselves after the Covid-19 crisis and how TravelgateX is helping them in their next strategy.

Can you tell us a bit about your company?

– E-HTL viagens is a pioneer, since 2004 in the distribution of hotel rooms on an e-commerce platform, consolidating and guaranteeing strength to travel agents.

– What is your growth strategy post-COVID-19 and how is TravelgateX going to help you?

We are  already preparing to return after COVID-19 with an excellent leisure offer, integrating innovative products for our agencies and for new agencies that are opting for E-htl security. TravelgateX is already helping us connect the best destinations specialists in an incredible professionals network.

– Has the crisis motivated your company to make internal or external changes?

​Internally, we have gained time to focus on the improvements that we will present. Externally, we began to act strategically to strengthen trade and welcome and show solidarity with our travel agents.

– How did you come to work with TravelgateX? 

TravelgateX is our partner and our professionals have maintained bonds of admiration and recognition for years. When we started the global journey, we couldn’t call on another companion.

– Regarding partners in our platform, what destinations are interesting for your company?

​The whole planet is our goal, but we started with extremely competitive partnerships in destinations loved by Brazilians, the Iberian Peninsula, the United States, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates and Nordic countries.

– In your personal point of view, what would you say has been the biggest lesson learned from this crisis? 

It is not easy to admit that we have failed to preserve nature and that we have exaggerated consumerism. We received this crisis to reinvent the way we work, how we live, relate, we gain an absolutely necessary and apparently impossible pause, to retake humanity in an evolutionary and non-destructive sense.