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TravelgateX participates in a conference and workshop on GraphQL in the Parc Bit

Written by Content | 6/10/19 8:29 AM

The Bit Foundation organized a conference and a workshop on GraphQL.

The conference, under the title; “GraphQL, the language of Facebook applied to travel” and the workshop; “How to apply GraphQL in your project” were taught by Daniel Calle, Team Leader of the Core team with Héctor García, Head of Innovation of TravelgateX.

The conference was held in the #emprenbit space of the Incubator of the ParcBIT (Edf. Disset). Héctor García started the workshop by explaining how TravelgateX works and the programming languages he uses and Dani Calle talked about how GraphQL works, its advantages and disadvantages, how they’ve been using Stack and the community inside of it, and about open source.

GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language developed by Facebook and used by TravelgateX to launch a new API in its integrations of tourist services, hotels, car rentals, excursions or others.

Check out the full presentation right here

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