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Want to expand your brand? Bet on online integrations

Written by Content | 7/2/19 9:14 AM

What are XML integrations?

An XML integration is basically a connector that acts as a “translator” between customers and suppliers allowing different formats or programming languages ​​(usually XML) to be compatible.

This way the information from a hotel provider, a Rent a Car, an airline, a railway company or a shipping company is available in the website of an online travel agency, even if they have the databases information differently structured.

They are essentially a technology that connects a client with their tourism service provider. This technology allows different computer programming languages ​​to be understood both by the client and supplier.

In most cases, this language is XML, which travels on the Internet at high speed, however, with the advances, little by little other more advanced alternatives will be incorporated, such as the case of HotelX created from GraphQL.

Why and how you should integrate online

An integration allows a client to make a query to his tourist services provider about the availability of a hotel room for a certain day, and that he answers instantly. The client can be an online travel agency, a reservation system or a traditional travel agency. Your suppliers can be companies that manage hotel rooms or a particular hotel, an airline that sells airline tickets, a car rental company or a company that manages tickets for shows.

The connections for these clients and suppliers are made online, hiring programmers or as most of the online travel agencies, physical travel agencies and reservation systems that are contracting the services of platforms such as TravelgateX.

“Our clients want to work with us basically for three reasons: Innovation, since we have a very advanced technical profile team; networking, since we have a huge network of suppliers and customers and because they consider us as their partners, since many have been with us for years and today we help them grow. In short, because we are reliable, fast and scalable “.

Pedro Camara, Travelgate CEO

Top 3 benefits of XML integrations

  • Centralize inventory management
  • Increase distribution channels
  • Personal savings

Access an unlimited number of services and products:

  • Hotel
  • Flights
  • Rent-a-Car
  • Ferries
  • Transfers
  • Rail
  • Activities

How to choose the right provider?

While it’s true that there’s a lot of online integrations providers out there that can get you API access, it’s also true that it’s not easy to find the right one. Be sure to select one that will support on every step of the process. How? Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do they have a public list of the buyers and sellers for you to have a look, and are they high-quality clients?
  2. Do they provide you support throughout the whole process and is there any documentation available?
  3. Do they have their own portal/app for the B2B market and a customer support department to help you out?

TravelgateX already connects the largest network of buyers (+250) and sellers (+600) with a single integration. The average number of reservations is 1 every 8 seconds, which represents more than 3 billion reservations per year in travel services, hotels, flights, car rentals, trains, ferries, transfers, and activities.

Learn More About TravelgateX