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CON-X 2024: Where industry leaders connect, innovation thrives, and growth knows no bounds

speakers and sponsors CON-X 2024

CON-X 2024: Setting the Standard for High-Quality Networking and Unparalleled Growth

CON-X 2024 wasn't just another networking event; it was a resounding success that set a new standard for high-quality connections, inspiring industry leaders, and showcasing unparalleled growth. This year's conference brought together the brightest minds in travel distribution, fostering meaningful connections, providing thought-provoking insights, and embracing innovation.

A Legacy of networking excellence and unparalleled growth

CON-X has always been known for its vibrant networking atmosphere, and this year was no exception. The event has experienced significant growth over the past few years, with the number of attendees increasing by 27% compared to the previous year. This remarkable growth is a testament to the event's ability to connect industry leaders, foster meaningful relationships, and provide a platform for growth and innovation.

ConX 2024-308
1 Lunch & Networking 
ConX 2024-213
2 Huawei Cloud Space
ConX 2024-243
3 Round Table - Conference
ConX 2024-205
4 Icebreacker
ConX 2024-299
5 Lunch & Networking


Building connections with the best and brightest

Imagine rubbing elbows with travel distribution visionaries like Alex Gisbert, seasoned travel entrepreneur and event moderator, and Paul Bixby, Speaker and CCO of easyJet Holidays. These are just a few of the esteemed names who graced the CON-X stage this year, sharing their insights and fostering meaningful dialogue. Attendees consistently highlighted the caliber of speakers and the unparalleled networking opportunities. 

A platform for inspiration and growth

While networking is a core focus, CON-X also offers a platform for inspiration and growth. The 2024 conference featured thought-provoking discussions and valuable insights from industry experts. Attendees consistently mentioned the event's "inspirational nature," highlighting how the speaker lineup motivated them to explore new possibilities and embrace innovation.



 Lasting connections fuel success

CON-X isn't just about fleeting conversations; it's about building lasting connections that propel professional growth. This year's event provided a platform for attendees to connect with potential clients, partners, and industry leaders, fostering collaborations that extend far beyond the conference itself. The focus on building lasting relationships is a cornerstone of CON-X, and attendees consistently praise the event's ability to create an environment that fosters genuine connections. Feedback consistently highlighted the "innovative" and "excellent" nature of the event, commending its ability to bring together forward-thinking professionals and thought leaders who share their cutting-edge ideas.

 A Journey of reflection and redefinition

This year's CON-X 2024 embodied the theme "Enough, Redefined," taking attendees on a thought-provoking journey. The conference explored the impact of new trends and shifting paradigms on traditional business models in the travel industry. Sessions tackled critical topics such as tour operation, tourism enterprise consolidation, and the emerging applications of AI.

High-Profile speakers and industry leaders

The 2024 conference boasted an impressive lineup of speakers, including:

  • Alex Gisbert: Seasoned travel entrepreneur and event moderator
  • Paul Bixby: Speaker and CCO of easyJet Holidays
  • Bas Lemmens: President of HotelPlanner
  • Martin Mondarelli: VP B2B & B2B2C at Despegar
  • Paul Anthony: Digital Commercialization Officer at Hotelbeds
  • Jari Virtanen: CEO of Stena Line Travel
  • Thomas Middelhoff: Barça Media's Chief Financial Officer and Chief Strategy Officer, and author of "Schuldig" (Guilty)
  • Jong Yoon Kim: Yanolja
  • Kate Irwin: Skift

Unprecedented Industry Support

This year's CON-X received unprecedented support from the industry, with 49 sponsors backing the event. Sponsors included Huawei Cloud, Dida Travel, Sandals, Priceline, Stuba, TBO, RateHawk, Nordbeds, Paximum, Travel Compositor, and WEX. This strong industry backing is a testament to the growing importance and recognition of CON-X within the travel industry.


Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this industry-defining event next year!