TGX Community: A place to share knowledge
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The TravelgateX team of developers already has an online community where any internal or external user can contribute their knowledge or ideas to improve any product or service of the company.
The concept of online communities emerged strongly in the early 90's, and quickly became a very useful tool, as they allow organizations to improve their internal work dynamics, customer relations or increase their procedural efficiency.
The TravelgateX team launched the TGX Community. It is a simple and easy to use community that hosts a wide range of forums on various TravelgateX related topics, from news, product announcements, ideas, changes.
The TGX Community forums cover all types of questions, from client-side development, to server-side development and site management. The conversations are lively and rigorous, definitely an atmosphere for everyone to understand how TGX works, but also how it can be improved. It hosts topics such as "VCC details submission", "application dashboard", "how to use the connectivity application", among others.
Anyone can start a topic in the TGX community, but first you must be registered, you must also review the rules of use that affect write in an understandable way, with topics of interest and respecting the members. This open source initiative fosters joint collaboration and a sense of community among customers, both internal and external, and is an excellent 2.0 resource for this company.
Within this joint collaboration, any user can contribute their expertise and help improve any aspect of TravelgateX's technology. "At TravelgateX, it is very important to have this channel to improve our Platform by listening to our community of Partners and other users," as Oscar Perez CTPO comments.
As it is an online community where each user can submit a topic, things that are not useful are discarded and those that are useful are rewarded by the rest of the users through positive evaluations, badges, among others.
In the community there are moderators and administrators who filter the messages, moderate the forums and topics to guarantee the maximum quality and use of this community. To develop it,
TravelgateX has relied on the Open Source Discourse platform, which offers all the services necessary to create and moderate any type of online community.
The Discourse platform offers an extensive list of plugins, of which we would like to highlight:
On the other hand, users have a control panel where they can visualize through statistics who are the most active in the community, showing data such as the number of publications of a user, the readings received or the reactions of others to their posts. Surveys can also be included to find out users' opinions on different topics.
In short, this TGX virtual community allows participants to establish links in a synchronous and acronymic way. This means that it can be a real time or deferred communication. In addition, it allows establishing links with people from the most varied backgrounds, but who have a common interest such as connectivity.
The exchange of data and information can be bidirectional or multidirectional, depending on the case, and the relationships between the members of the virtual community tend towards horizontality, which also allows co-learning to be generated in which everyone learns and everyone teaches at the same time.
The concept of online communities emerged strongly in the early 90's, and quickly became a very useful tool, as they allow organizations to improve their internal work dynamics, customer relations or increase their procedural efficiency.
A place to share knowledge
The TravelgateX team launched the TGX Community. It is a simple and easy to use community that hosts a wide range of forums on various TravelgateX related topics, from news, product announcements, ideas, changes.

Anyone can start a topic in the TGX community, but first you must be registered, you must also review the rules of use that affect write in an understandable way, with topics of interest and respecting the members. This open source initiative fosters joint collaboration and a sense of community among customers, both internal and external, and is an excellent 2.0 resource for this company.
Within this joint collaboration, any user can contribute their expertise and help improve any aspect of TravelgateX's technology. "At TravelgateX, it is very important to have this channel to improve our Platform by listening to our community of Partners and other users," as Oscar Perez CTPO comments.
As it is an online community where each user can submit a topic, things that are not useful are discarded and those that are useful are rewarded by the rest of the users through positive evaluations, badges, among others.
In the community there are moderators and administrators who filter the messages, moderate the forums and topics to guarantee the maximum quality and use of this community. To develop it,
TravelgateX has relied on the Open Source Discourse platform, which offers all the services necessary to create and moderate any type of online community.
The Discourse platform offers an extensive list of plugins, of which we would like to highlight:
- Chat Integration: For synchronization with Slack, the TravelgateX communication tool.
- Voting: So that any user can vote for the ideas with which they feel most identified.
- OpenID Connect: To connect with Auth0, the authorization and authentication system used in TravelgateX.
On the other hand, users have a control panel where they can visualize through statistics who are the most active in the community, showing data such as the number of publications of a user, the readings received or the reactions of others to their posts. Surveys can also be included to find out users' opinions on different topics.
In short, this TGX virtual community allows participants to establish links in a synchronous and acronymic way. This means that it can be a real time or deferred communication. In addition, it allows establishing links with people from the most varied backgrounds, but who have a common interest such as connectivity.
The exchange of data and information can be bidirectional or multidirectional, depending on the case, and the relationships between the members of the virtual community tend towards horizontality, which also allows co-learning to be generated in which everyone learns and everyone teaches at the same time.