Interview with Mark Duce, lead developer at
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Interview with Mark Duce, Lead Developer at loveholidays
Mark Duce, Lead Developer at loveholidays explains in this interview, how his connections are working thanks to TravelgateX. So far, loveholidays has been able to get 7 connections with hosting providers in a short period of time.
Launched in 2012, loveholidays is the fastest growing online travel agency in the UK and was named the second fastest growing private company in the UK by Fast Track 100 in 2016 (in association with The Sunday Times) and was also in the top 10 private companies in the Fast Track top 100 in 2017.
- Why did you decide to use TravelgateX?
Loveholidays heard about TravelgateX through SmyRooms, who are one of the suppliers that we were looking to integrate. We have already completed integrations with accommodation providers and were aware how time consuming they can be. As a result of our previous experience, it is key that we have confidence that a potential integration partner is reliable and offers rates which are good for the business. Doing this via TravelgateX enabled us to test suppliers and we could switch off those that we were not happy with and move to the next one. It removes much of the hassle of integrating. - Do you work with similar platforms? If yes, which ones?
We don’t currently work with any other similar platforms for booking accommodation. - What is in your perspective the USP of our Platform?
For Loveholidays, the USP of TravelgateX is the time to market and speed of getting integrations live. This allows us to offer our customers a greater selection of properties, without the cost and hassle of having to integrate them within our own development team. - What aspects of TravelgateX do you find most valuable?
We’ve grown into the relationship with TravelgateX. Having a dedicated resource who we can contact via Slack is absolutely key. It makes us confident that any issues that we report are being looked at and allows for speedy communication between the two teams. It still takes a fair amount of time to get connections set up and enabled. We hear that a new system is being implemented to make that faster, so we’re really looking forward to seeing it. - How has loveholidays benefited from a closer partnership with Travelgate?
We’ve been able to get 7 connections with accommodation providers up and running in a short amount of time. - Would you recommend working with TravelgateX and why?
We would definitely recommend working with TravelgateX. We’re always looking to expand the selection of properties that we have on offer for our customers, working with TravelgateX has helped us to do that.