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Categories: Business

Why are e-commerce frauds scarier than The Shining?

7/8/19 11:05 AM

If you take a look at your business’ e-commerce revenue reports, you might see positive results from your hard work, you might even see it constantly increasing day to day, and that’s great. What you may not have seen is that it also entails the increment of fraud cases and fraud in online transactions. And that my friend is a real problem. So let’s have a look at what types of fraud exist and how can you protect your business against them.

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Categories: Business

How Virtual Credit Cards (VCC) can benefit Travel Agencies

6/27/19 12:00 PM

Whenever you pay for something online, whether it’s from a big brand or site like Amazon, you are confident that its payment system is secure and that your personal data and your card numbers won’t be stolen from you. However, what happens when you land on the website of a smaller company that has almost no online presence? — Well, you think twice and worry about the possible risk of being ripped off or worst.

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