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Categories: News

Generation Z and its passion for digital experiences

1/28/20 10:59 AM

Meet Gaudí in person. Time travel to Tarragona’s past. Walk through a picture made by you. Discover the ins and outs of a city as if you were there… but without leaving your sofa. Digital experiences are changing the way we travel and understand the world. It is very straightforward for the youngest travellers: enjoying these experiences has become one of their main reasons for travelling.
The dizzying development of the internet and the birth and empowerment of the so-called Generation Z (those born between 1995 and 2015, according to Forbes) means we are now facing a new tourism revolution: the ability to offer digital experiences before, during and after a trip. 

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Categories: News

Business Intelligence tools revolutionise tourism

12/12/19 8:33 AM

Being able to understand your clients perfectly means you can anticipate their needs and give them what they want most of all before anyone else does. This phrase perfectly sums up the current reality of the travel sector and its future challenges because – like it or not – if there is no data, there is no business in this era of information and communication.

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Categories: News

What are the favourite destinations for Europeans this Christmas 2019?

12/5/19 1:45 PM

Here comes Christmas. Lights, Christmas carols, Christmas goodies and street markets flood the main European cities, and there are many who take advantage of the holidays to get a break from the daily routine and go travelling. As a couple, with friends or even with the entire family: more and more Europeans look to destinations outside their own country to enjoy these last days of the year.
If we look at the numbers offered by Insights-X from TravelgateX when it comes to Christmas holiday reservations made by the Spanish, English, French and Italians, we can see that the places we prefer to escape to when celebrating these special days at the end of the year are, in this order: the Canary Islands, England and New York.

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Categories: News

10 keys to understanding the awakening of Chinese tourism

11/28/19 9:11 AM

China is a giant, and since waking up it has left its mark on the tourism sector. The increase in per capita income, greater flexibility in visas and greater connectivity with flights throughout the country has made China the largest tourist origin country in the world. 

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