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speakers and sponsors CON-X 2024
Categories: CON-X 2024

CON-X 2024: Where industry leaders connect, innovation thrives, and growth knows no bounds

6/1/24 10:23 AM

CON-X 2024: Setting the Standard for High-Quality Networking and Unparalleled Growth

CON-X 2024 wasn't just another networking event; it was a resounding success that set a new standard for high-quality connections, inspiring industry leaders, and showcasing unparalleled growth. This year's conference brought together the brightest minds in travel distribution, fostering meaningful connections, providing thought-provoking insights, and embracing innovation.

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Press Release
Categories: Press Release

PRESS RELEASE | TravClan and TravelgateX Partner to enhance global Enhance Global Inventory Access

4/12/24 8:23 AM

TravClan,a fast-growing B2B Travel Platform, has announced its strategic partnership with TravelgateX, aleading B2B global marketplacefor the travel industry. This collaboration signifies a pivotal moment in reshaping the landscape of travel industry connectivity and enhancing the travel experience for travel agents and their customers worldwide.

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Categories: Interviews

DTS Travel: Merging tradition with technology for travel success in the Americas

3/18/24 8:46 AM

Enrique Dieux, CEO of DTS Travel, opens the door to the company's exciting history. From its beginnings as a traditional agency to becoming an online hotel sales giant in LATAM, DTS Travel has demonstrated a unique ability to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing market.

In this interview, Enrique shares with us the keys to DTS Travel's success, including its unwavering commitment to customer service, its commitment to innovative technology, and its successful partnership with TravelgateX.

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Equipo y Twenix
Categories: Noticias

Twenix English training: Enhancing international communication at TravelgateX

2/12/24 8:10 AM

TravelgateX has positioned itself as a trailblazer in the highly competitive tourism industry, setting a new standard for innovation and sustainable progress. Its primary objective is to streamline trade between tourism businesses worldwide, offering a cutting-edge platform that revolutionizes communication and operational efficiency.

From its humble beginnings as a solution tailored to meet the specific requirements of Logitravel, one of Spain's largest online travel agencies (OTAs), TravelgateX has blossomed into an independent enterprise under the astute leadership of CEO Pedro Camara and CTO Oscar Perez.

Today, the company distinguishes itself in the market through its unrivaled efficiency and remarkable ability to adapt to challenging circumstances. This is largely thanks to its dynamic and flexible team, whose adaptability has become the company's greatest asset.


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