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What is the essential value of a technology company?

11/26/19 7:55 PM

Always being close to your suppliers and customers. Working every day to create close relationships, based on transparency and trust, with the goal of growing side by side. Being responsible in all you do and enjoying every moment of it. Because the greatest satisfaction is to be able to be proud of what you do.
At TravelgateX we follow this philosophy closely, because we firmly believe that companies must be more committed than ever to our environment, to the society we live in, to the young, to the old, to the planet. This is exactly what our team culture is based on: a humility that lets us to see beyond our screens.

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Categories: Big Data, Business

What does Big Data mean for B2B businesses?

11/19/19 10:00 AM

These days many refer to it as “the new digital oil” and not without reason. More than half of B2B companies in Europe are already contemplating powerful investments in what is known as Big Data, and they expect data analysis to be a key factor for the future of their businesses. 
In the tourism sector, in particular, we live in an era where over information can be a problem, where excess data blocks us and creates a wall that prevents us from seeing beyond the immediate. The coveted and sought-after data we receive is of little use on its own unless we have specifically designed tools at hand to analyze them and extract valuable information that allows our business to grow.
The big dream of Big Data is just that: converting all the scattered information into strategies that will actually help improve sales. In order to do so, we need more and more tools for Business Intelligence, tools that take care of reading the data and extract so-called ‘business signals’ from it.

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The 5 things travel agencies should know about XML integrations

11/7/19 12:35 PM

Language is the basis of all communication, and communication is essential to understanding. This is why XML integrations have become an essential element in the tourism sector as we know it today, especially for travel agencies that want to be able to offer the best possible service to their customers at all times.

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