Travelgate Blog

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Categories: Big Data

Crucial ways to position a travel destination

4/15/20 10:07 AM

Today’s travellers will do their research on a destination through consulting the Internet, reading other people’s comments and opinions as well as taking on the advice of family and friends before actually visiting the place. 

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TravelgateX Channel Manager
Categories: Business

How to choose a Channel Manager

4/1/20 2:53 PM

Could you imagine what would happen to those of us working in the hotel sector if Channel Managers did not exist? It would be absolutely crazy, for sure. Channel Managers are a key day-to-day tool that enables us to manage rooms and rates through hundreds of different channels without dying in the attempt. 
Since Channel Managers are an indispensable part of our work we have to know exactly how to choose one: these days there are plenty of them and even if they all have the same basic characteristics, each of them has its own features that can be adjusted – or not – to our business needs.

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DMC Product
Categories: Business

No API? No problem! Our new solution DMC-X can help

4/1/20 11:37 AM


There are so many destination specialists (DMCs) out there in this world with the most amazing, direct product but who find it difficult to expand their client range as they don’t have their own API. For the Buyers, the only way to access this specialized product is for the DMC to manually load & update their product on the Buyer’s system. But of course, to the DMC, this means countless hours loading and updating multiple systems for their various clients.

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Categories: Corporate

We are here for you

3/19/20 10:45 AM

This is likely to be one of many messages we have all received about the current Coronavirus situation, specially those of us working in the travel industry. We are all going through a period of massive uncertainty without a clear end in sight.

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