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Categories: Interviews

Interview with Francesc López, co-founder and COO of Stayforlong

2/14/20 8:43 AM

“In the current tourism market, only those with a differentiated value proposal will survive”

Commit strongly and be different, keep looking for the best partners to ensure scaled, secure growth. Stayforlong is a website for hotel bookings, specialising in long stays. It was founded in 2015 and is based in Barcelona. They know what they are talking about: in 2020 it is time to make a difference and be different.

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Categories: News

Is programming a man’s world?

2/7/20 8:35 AM

If you are one of those who think programming is something only men do, what you are about to read could seriously hurt your pride. Be aware, because at TravelgateX not only do we know that programming is not an exclusively male skill, we also have the honor to count on excellent female programmers on staff, and we learn from them every day.

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Categories: Big Data

New tools for positioning tourist destinations

1/29/20 1:40 PM

Positioning of tourist destinations is one of the pending subjects for local, regional and national institutions and administrations all around the world. Knowing how to create an image for a destination in the minds of all potential visitors is a goal not everyone will be able to reach. In fact, many get lost running around in circles, getting nowhere.
What is the problem? Not having enough information to be able to address the challenge with success. Finding out about travel trends before everyone else, being able to count on a comprehensive price and investment variation analysis, and analysing how users view the destination are, among other things, fundamental issues that must be taken into account in order to position a tourist destination the way it deserves.

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